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Logo for the HomeShrub Project

Project: Home Shrub

Role: Learn, Personal Project build

Duration: January-March 2021

Mock-up of the Home Page hero of the HomeShrub Project

About this Project

As a hobby, I worked with ceramics, making pottery and sculpture whichholds a place in my heart for all things hand-crafted. At the very beginning of my UX training, I wanted to understand how my tools worked. (Figma and Webflow) I was also a plant enthusiast making my own planters, caring for the forest I had created within my home. That’s when it hit me, there are so many trendy planters, but, finding unique hand-crafted, artsy planters were hard to find and usually were lost in the online sea of  Etsy or Instagram. This birthed the project idea of HomeShrub, an e-commerce project that sells unique hand-crafted plant-related things. It is just the project to learn the basics of web design and UX on my own.

An example of a planter for a succulent

Project Vision

Create an e-commerce concept for unique planters made by artists who focus on plants.



Learn Webflow


Learn how e-commerce and the function within Webflow works


Learn how to incorporate, make and design illustrations for web designs that fit my vision


Learn about Webflow e-commerce API's

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis Chart for the HomeShrub Project

User Personas

Jade Mariano

Age: 28

Education: Masters in Fine Arts

Occupation: Owner of coffeeshop

She started her coffee shop 3 years ago, and has been bringing in cuttings from her plants to spruce up the place and lift her unique coffee space. Jade has spent countless hours looking for the right planter for her new cuttings, and can’t find what fits. She wants something new and unique.

Chandler Johnson

Age: 27

Education: Associates in Science

Occupation:  ESL Teacher in Japan

He loves his job in Japan and has fallen in love with the way the Japanese perfect everything. His mother owns a “jungle” in his childhood home in Wisconsin and he thought she would like something special to repot some of her over grown plants as a gift. He wants something hand-made.

Jade Mariano

User Persona Woman for Remote Llama

Age: 32

Education: Masters in Fine Arts

Occupation: Owner of coffeeshop

She started her coffee shop 3 years ago, and has been bringing in cuttings from her plants to spruce up the place and lift her unique coffee space. Jade has spent countless hours looking for the right planter for her new cuttings, and can’t find what fits. She wants something new and unique.

Chandler Johnson

User Persona Woman for Remote Llama

Age: 27

Education: Associates in Science

Occupation: ESL Teacher in Japan

He loves his job in Japan and has fallen in love with the way the Japanese perfect everything. His mother owns a “jungle” in his childhood home in Wisconsin and he thought she would like something special to repot some of her over grown plants as a gift. He wants something hand-made.

Main Components

Home Shrub Icons

Up Chevron IconTruck IconCart IconWatering Can IconShovel IconTrash IconPresent IconRuler IconLightbulb IconFlower IconLocation IconOpen Eye IconCactus or Dry Climate IconHamburger IconRain IconAccount IconClose IconScissors IconHeart IconSearch Icon
Comment Icon
Disabled Icon

Product Cards

Example of bad cards used in the Homeshrub project

Product Page

Product Page example for the Homeshrub project

View Cart

View Cart Example for the Homeshrub project


Illustration of a hanging planter with pothosIllustration of a V-shaped planter with two cactus coming out of both ends. Illustration of an odd blue planter with a typical cactus shape Illustration of a plant inside a planter
Illustration of scissors typically used for trimming house plantsIllustration of clippersIllustration of a pilia plant within a round yellow planterIllustration of a planter
Illustration of a plant in a mug on top of books


The road to starting something new filled me with a ton of emotion which in turn, had me comparing what I began doing and had done to those with a lot more experience. I threw away the Figma, I trashed my paper drawings, my research. Everything except what you see in this project overview. Looking back, it really didn’t look that bad. I got a hands-on foundation of how Webflow works, how to integrate illustrations, what it’s like to build an e-commerce site from scratch. With the knowledge I have now, I found it is important to follow the whole design process down to the smallest design. Starting with the proper research, creating wireframes, and user flows, and then prototyping. Practice makes perfect.

A hand-drawn photo of a girl throwing trash out as a metaphor and physical action of a project disliked
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